Monday, March 18, 2013

Venezolion:Extreme Africa!

Venezolion: is the stage name of this young adventurous Photographer & Videographer.

Venezolion derives from the Latin expression Venezolano: (the way to identify a person born in Venezuela)

His real name is Jose Gonzalez, a young artist who started his career in photography out of his love for nature, extreme sports, and travel.

His career started with a set of destined coincidences that changed his life for the better.

One day he decided to embark on a series of adventures that led to his now successful career.

In 2007 he traveled to Seville (Spain) for a short vacation and to learn the culture.

He instantly fell in love with the city of Seville. He experienced a culture very similar to his hometown of San Cristobal, Venezuela and the charm of the city and the people made him feel a connection that he had never experienced before.  Immediately he felt part of that society. After a short time he decided to call his family in Venezuela to tell them about his decision to stay and live in Seville Spain.

His family was not surprised because he had always been independent and adventurous.

Once he decided to stay he asked himself “Should I follow my career path or realize my dream?”  It was not too difficult to start doing what he loved.

The funny thing was that his early occupation had nothing to do with photography or documentaries. He was a physical therapist that in his spare time practiced extreme sports.

Photography became his life.  He started taking pictures of his friends, loved ones, and for business. There were occasions when he spend days taking photographs of his surroundings just for fun.  Quickly people started to discover how talented this new artist was and the beauty of his work.  However, the real change came after he started earning a living with his photography and the accolades increased.


He has achieved many merits and has earned respect in the field of photography and film which he has recently discovered.

I have been following his photography career since its inception and he has been continuously evolving and growing.   We have experienced many adventures together and one day he called me and told me “Brava I want to start making beautiful short films about extreme sports but I want the films to be about the side that people don’t see. An athlete’s everyday life, their friends and family, and life after the exhibitions are over.”

Soon after, he started recording short films about Wakeboard one of the emerging extreme sports in Spain and Europe.

One day in 2012 while filming Wakeboarding Jose had the opportunity to meet Dylan James Mitchell, a wakeborder participating in the season Xtreme-Gene in Cordoba Spain. They became acquaintance and eventually friends. They remain in contact and one day Jose had the opportunity to go to Dylan’s native South Africa.

The plan was set and Dylan’s friends and family welcomed Jose with open arms and the documentary began.  He created an amazing documentary that represents the beauty and magic of such paradise and the daily life of an amazing wakeboarding athlete named Dylan Mitchell.

The documentary is sublime and gives the viewers an invitation to see majestic scenery, spectacular wakeboard tricks, exotic animals, and the warmness of the people.

When he sent me the video I was touched by the beauty of the film so I decided to interview him and share his vision and talent with the rest of the world.

In my latest trip to Europe I visited Jose in Seville Spain. We had a beautiful conversation. While eating tapas and drinking some Spaniard wine we talked about him, his dreams, expectations, and goals.

Brava - First, thanks for this opportunity. I must say that I am very proud to call you my friend and to be able to see throughout the years your evolution as an artist.

Q) What is the purpose of your videos and what do you want to portrait?

Jose - I love this question.

 A) Basically, I want people to see reality and what cannot be seen behind the scenes. When I make a film I capture the essences of the place and the people around me. When I watch my videos after I am finished editing I want to feel as if I am remembering a dream.

Brava – Interesting and beautiful.

 Q) What motivated you to film this documentary about Dylan Mitchell and why Africa?

Jose – Life is very peculiar and I believe it was destined to happen sooner or later.

 A) Dylan is my friend and an amazing wakeborder. I had been following his career for a while.  We spend six months together in Cordoba working on the Xtreme Sport show and I got to know him and I became interested in his life story.   I must say his kind personality in contrast with the extreme sport he practices truly called my attention.

 Q) Why Africa?

A) I always dreamed of being the motherland but I never expected that it would change me completely. I was captivated by its majestic beauty and intriguing people.  I felt the whole time as if I was dreaming and didn’t want to wake up.

Brava - It is fantastic to see your dreams realized and now I want to delight the people with your phenomenal video.

-“He laughed and I could see the sparkle in his eyes.  His hair was big and undone very similar to a lion from the land he was speaking about.”

Brava’s Note: - José González is nominated for Photographer of the Year in the prestigious “Action Awards” in Barcelona. He is the first Venezuelan to be nominated for such an important award. I wish Jose nothing but success and good luck with his nomination. I believe that even if he is not selected he already won.


Life is the result of our choices

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